Thursday, April 26, 2012

{three} months...

So my baby boy turned 3 months old yesterday... AHHHH! I have a love/hate relationship with this age. I love it because they start to become interactive and so fun and hate it because it means I have to go back to work. We don't dwell on that right now though... Grayson is so cute right now I can't even stand it. He is such a happy baby smiles all the time, especially when you are changing his diaper which is hilarious. He started "talking" and giggling recently which I just love too. He has also started moving everywhere, like I put him on his play mat in one place and I come back 5 minutes later and he is in a totally different place. Still not sure they do that? He is not flipping over yet, but is trying pretty hard and likes to flip to his side and lay there. He has been sleeping thru the night for several weeks now which is awesome. He is frequently the last one up in the house which is crazy to me. We are transitioning from solely breast feeding to bottles since I am going back to work. He has had a hard time with it, which is interesting to me as the other two had no issues with bottles, but he is almost there now... As you can see, it is pretty scary how much he looks like Chase (and Audrey) (see Chase's at 3 month post is here), and it seems more so everyday.

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