The first day went well for Audrey and horrible for Chase, something I wasn't quite prepared for... Audrey was almost peeing her pants from the moment she got up til the moment I left her at school. She is thrilled to be bringing her lunch this year (something I must admit I am not so thrilled about, packing a lunch already is not so fun) and has a new back pack which she loves. Chase on the other hand is NOT happy that he is not going to school with Audrey. He knows he is missing out and broke my heart Monday morning expressing his disappointment. He has a backpack now (thanks to the Garrity's!) that he brings to Nancy's which he loves and I am hoping makes him feel like he is going to school too... Audrey of course is so reassuring " Chase don't worry, you can go to school NEXT year"... He made quite a scene being dropped off at Nancy's Monday but has been much better since so I have my fingers crossed that was a 1 time event...
I'm excited to see what all Audrey does and learns this year. I have already been reminded how little info she gives out about her day (me: Audrey - what did you do today? audrey: I love pasta! (or insert some other random comment)" so I need to be better about asking her teachers what she is doing...
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