Wednesday, December 16, 2009

We've Got Movement...

So Chase crawled for the 1st time last night which is pretty exciting! Like I said in previous posts, he has been really close for a couple of weeks, but last night the light must have gone off and he figured it out. He was on all fours and started pawing at the air (like a dog, kind of funny) and all of the sudden he went forward. Charlie was downstairs, so he ran up and we made him repeat his performance... For video of course:) My favorite part is how proud he was of himself, it was awesome. We were clapping and saying "yeah Chase" and he just sat there beaming and waving his arms like mad, too cute... He crawled several times last night and again this morning so here we go. I can already tell he is going to be all over the place, he has no desire to be in one spot. He already is into putting everything in his mouth he can find (and there is plenty to find let me tell you) so I need to get better about not leaving small things around... Its more about going around after Audrey really, as he already ate a Goldfish cracker that she left on the ground, nice...

Update... These are actually from Friday (a couple days after he crawled), but they show his mad skill pretty well...


Unknown said...


You are tempting Chase with beer? That's an awfully early start ;).

He is the cutest!


Danielle Lutz said...

SOOOO CUTE!!! i loved how audrey was cheering him on also!!