Monday, April 27, 2009

Hot Hot Hot...

We got the heat wave that the rest of the country got earlier in the week this past weekend. I was excited all week for it, but when it came I realized that I am SO glad that I am not going to be pregnant in the summer! It didn't help that I don't have much in the way of summer maternity clothes or that we don't have our a/c units in yet (its April!). I was very happy to find out that Audrey's shorts & capris from last year fit as I haven't outfitted her for summer by any means yet. Anyways, we had a good weekend regardless. We spent a ton of time outside, including eating out on the deck all weekend which haven't done since last year.

Saturday Charlie was in full project mode. Our neighbor announced that he is nesting with me. I laughed... He put wood chips around Audrey's swing set and prepared the rest of that area of the yard for sod. I'll post finished pictures when it is all done. Audrey enjoyed helping, we just need to get her some tools her own size. She is also loving her new sandbox (as are the other kids in the neighborhood) that Charlie made last weekend for her.

Sunday there was a "Touch a Truck" fundraiser down the street that we thought we would walk over to. Audrey LOVES trucks right now (wonder where she got that from eh?), especially the trash truck so we thought she would enjoy it. It was a great concept, but it was in a parking lot with no shade and 85 degree temps so we didn't last too long. Audrey was kind of scared at first but she got into by the end. Her favorite was the school bus and the trash truck.


Barbara Dennison said...

Hi Audrey, are those new pink shoes?



Danielle Lutz said...

She has a sand box!!! I can't wait to see the backyard when I get there, I bet Charlie will have 20 projects done already!