Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Audrey has been "talking" for awhile now, a few words here and there but mainly babble that only she can understand, which is extremely frustrating to Charlie and I. In the past week she has really started to say things that make sense, even if it is just repeating us when we say something, which has made a world of difference. Her latest is saying "Up-Up" when she wants up (yes, she says it twice, not just "Up"). We realized the other night that this is her first real word that she is using to get a point across which is kind of exciting (Charlie wanted me to add this to her baby book, but instead I am putting it on here which is just as good right?). Of course she has been using the phrase quite liberally. She runs up and yells "Up-Up" with arms up high and if I don't pick her up right that second we have issues. I thought she was saying this only when she wanted us to pick her up, but we realized the other night this is not the case. She says this whenever she is climbing up, like if she is climbing onto the couch, she says "Up-Up", like it is going to magically lift her up onto the couch. It's actually pretty funny.

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