Monday, October 6, 2008

Apple Orchard....

We had an unplanned trip to the Apple Orchard this past Sunday which was a ton of fun! The Bed & Breakfast we stayed at in Pittsfield was a mile down the road from this cute orchard, Bartletts Apple Orchard, so we decided to go Sunday morning. A bunch of cousins met us there, we all got our bags to fill and off we went. Audrey actually really got into the whole thing. Other then loving running after her cousins, she really seemed to like picking the apples from the trees and then eating them. We stuck with the Cortland apples that are my favorite and brought home a 1/2 peck.

After the apple picking, we headed down to the store for some hot cinnamon donuts and apple cider, YUM! By far one of my favorite meals, I love fall...

Here are some of my favorite pictures from our excursion...

Here we are, actually a decent family photo which doesn't seem to happen very often...

We got a bunch of really good ones with Charlie & Audrey. Here they are picking apples...


Dad and Daughter, too cute...

Mother/Daughter Bonding...
Audrey with her cousins, Justin, Nick, Jamie & Julianna...

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